Women's Health & Wellness

in Palo Alto, California
At RejuveenMD, we offer treatments that can help with women's overall well-being.
Relieved woman, face to sky

Importance of Health and Wellness

Looking and feeling good

There are a number of reasons why women’s health and wellness is important. First and foremost, it’s essential for women to be healthy and feel good about themselves to live their lives to the fullest. Additionally, women’s health and wellness is vital for the health of future generations. Women play a critical role in the home and the community, and being in good health is vital so that they can continue to make positive contributions.

At RejuveenMD, we offer a wide range of services, including women’s health and beauty treatments, IV Therapy, Liposuction for Stem Cells, and treatment of sports injuries.

Treatable Women’s Health Concerns

Over 25 million American Women suffer from treatable health concerns. Most are frustrated with traditional methods and are looking for a better way to treat their concerns.

  • Incontinence
  • Lack of Perineal Sensation
  • Menopause
  • Stress
  • Skin Laxity
Liposuction for Stem Cells Happy Customer

Introducing EmpowerRF by InMode

Delivering life-changing women’s wellness therapies.

"The female health journey involves a complex range of physiological changes and gynecological conditions which often require medical intervention. EmpowerRF provides a variety of highly efficacious minimally invasive procedures that will have a meaningful impact on the quality of life for women globally. Women everywhere will no longer suffer in silence," said Spero Theodorou, MD, InMode chief medical officer, and plastic surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the treatment hurt?

It is very comfortable and does not cause pain. You may feel a little pressure.

How does it work?

EmpowerRF is the most advanced and comprehensive feminine wellness solution available. It uses a combination of synergistic complementary energies including radiofrequency (RF) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to address common feminine wellness concerns. Treatments are customized and tailored to meet your specific needs and conditions. All EmpowerRF procedures are performed in a physician’s office. With EmpowerRF there is no general anesthesia, large incisions, or the downtime that is associated with excisional interventions. EmpowerRF will help you regain your self-coincidence and improve your quality of life.

What can I expect?

EmpowerRF is designed to safely and effectively treat delicate areas and improve functional health. Most clients find the treatments very comfortable and painless. Your physician will discuss in detail with you the specifics of your customized plan and how it will meet your individual needs. ​​Your medical provider will recommend the ideal combination of sessions to be performed based on your personal condition. Treatment times and frequency will be specifically tailored to obtain optimal results.

Book a free in-office, phone or virtual consultation to discuss your aesthetic needs.

From eye and neck treatments to body and booty fixes, let our all-star team of medical practitioners help your reflection match the way you feel.
RejuveenMD Palo Alto Woman in white
Co-Founder and Director
*Results may vary and are not guaranteed